Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Over Due

Last Friday when Brandon came home from preschool, he got a sucker for doing his homework. Somehow he had 2 suckers, he gave 1 to Tyler-it was a dum-dum and Brandon's was one of those suckers that you're not suppose to choke on-you'll see in the movie. Anyway-Tyler opened his sucker and said he didn't like it. Tyler was crying-but I didn't have any suckers..and he threw his in the trash.

Then Brandon says "I know." I say "What?" He says "We can share!!." So this is what they did-it was really, really cute-such a wonderful brother! Brandon didn't let him hold it..but they did share licks-it was just wonderful. Way to go Brandon!

I was going to do a blog about what we've all learned and have done this year, but I can't really think of much-so I thought I'd just share a couple of things.

Marie has found her toes, she just loves to hang out on her back and play with those toes. With the boys I'd try to put them in their hands-then quickly take a picture-I always thought it was cute when babies did this, and now mine finally does!

She's no longer a finger or thumb girl-we've got her on the binky really good..may be a bad sign because she wakes up 2 times a night and thinks it's morning at 5:45 when it's black outside--I don't get my children..oh well.

However about a month ago Marie did sleep in until 9:30am..neither of the boys has EVER done that before-so that was a milestone, but it was just one day!

Tyler knows how to give thumbs up, this was hard for Brandon-so even Brandon's really proud Tyler can do it. Tyler can say a blessing on the food all by himself, always the same prayer-but it's still nice to not have to help. He tells us when he's poopy sometimes-so maybe potty training is coming along.

Brandon-is still in LOVE with dinosaurs. Whenever we go to the dollar store he still almost always wants a's just crazy! He loves preschool-doesn't really care for homework, but it's just 1 page once a week. Brandon is starting to wipe his own bum-his desire not mine and it's working out wonderfully!

As for me I can think of 1 thing-I haven't bought anything from door-to-door salesmen this year! Go Kerry, Go Kerry! So that's exciting-it's a goal of mine.

I'm not sure what to put for Eric, he's done lots of things around the house..been losing lots of weight-so he's enjoyed that.

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