We're both doing really well. I'm still on my blood thinner, but because I don't have any stitches I'm not bleeding as much as I expected so it hasn't been a problem. Katelyn had to get poked to check jaundas-I don't know how to spell that..anyway she didn't even cry, she's so mellow it's awesome. She's in the low risk area so I don't think we'll have a problem with that.
She's been the way I think all babies should be..very sleepy. I've never had a baby sleep so much-and I'm certainly NOT complaining. Last night I fed her at about 9:30 and midnight and then she slept until 5am. I certainly can't complain about that. And tonight Marie had some major I don't know what but she cried at the top of her lungs for about 10 minutes and Katelyn slept right though that, so that's good news-she's a sound sleeper!
Life is good-but I certainly couldn't take on all 4 with out the help of Linda, I'm so, so grateful! I got to sleep in today, and take a nap!