Monday, January 11, 2010

All is well

I feel like I should blog because it's been a LONG time. However there's not much to blog about. We had a wonderful Christmas had a blast with both sides of the family and I'm not sure I'm really happy to be home--since the kids seem to keep getting sick and I feel like I'm punished to stay inside and be bored all day.

I enjoy church-because I get to meet people, and I enjoy that-I'd like my family to be healthy so we can get out-and at least play at an indoor playland!

Yesterday Eric and I got to give our talks-I'm glad that's over with and we wont' have to do that for a while. It was a good topic-making righteous new years resolutions. In our ward we have an assisted living place and so when you speak you speak there at 10am then at the regular ward at 1pm. So that was a very interesting and long day for the kids.

Well I feel like this is a gripe blog post-so I'm done. Here are some cute pics of the fam!

-of course I got her standing--but it was fun, and Brandon took the picture!


Anonymous said...

Griping is allowed! Sometimes it's just good to get write it down and get it out! I figure it's better writing it down rather than hollering at someone. :) HOpefully everyone will get better soon and you can visit your playland!

Jessica said...

Oh how I wish we lived by each other!! We could make our own indoor play lands at our houses :)
Hang in there!

Dena said...

I bet it is a relief to have your talks behind you. Marie sure is getting big! She looks like such a chunky little peanut! She's adorable.