Thursday, September 22, 2011

You know it's Fall When...

You find THIS at the STORE...and it was CHEAP!!

Yes it caused much temptation, which I couldn't resist and I went over my food budget, but since we bought it yesterday and it's half gone..I think it was well worth it-plus it was $1.50!! I just really, really wish I had some home-made soft pretzels to go with it..but I know I won't. Maybe I'll splurge and at least go to Pretzel time..again causing more budget bursting.

This month, I did something all you fabulous Mom's probably have been doing for years..but just in case you aren't I'll share. This Month I planned my menu-18 dinners. I took 1 huge $203 shopping trip to get all the items needed for these meals. Plus some frozen berries for some smoothies..and garbage bags..but anyway. I took 1 Friday about 5 hours to pre-cook all my beef meals, for the chicken I just divided it as needed-either shredded, or chopped for crock pot or left whole for chicken cor don blue (sp?). Then dinner has been such a breeze! On really chaotic days I just pull an already made dinner out of the freezer, other days I do a bit more prepping with the chicken. The best part for me is the fact that I don't have to figure out what I'm having, I have a list, and my choice is one of those options-and no matter what I pick, I have ALL the ingredients for it. Before I'd finally decide on something-then realize I didn't have sour cream or something like that, and I'd have to either; re-decide on what we'd have, go to the store, or cop out and make nothing. Just having the menu pre-determined has been fabulous! And I can't even remember that long day of neglecting's so worth it now!

Plus we've been able to stay on our budget..okay okay, I realize it's still September and I already let you know I went over my budget but our budget for this month is $300 less than we've been spending, so compared to that, I'm doing awesome!

-Here's Tyler with his entire rock family he painted one day. He told me all their names, then got confused and named them something else..but the names aren't important, he's so proud and they sit on his dresser!

-This is Marie being as cute as normal.
-This is my splurge at Wal-Mart when I got the cider it was only $1.27 and couldn't say no to that sad face, she'd already asked for SOOOO many other items that were WAY more expensive, so I gave in. Reminds me of Gnomeo and Juliet!


Dena said...

Cider. YUM! I love Tyler's rock family. Kids have the funnest imaginations!

lmyrup said...

Most kids beg for treats or toys at the store! Funny Marie! What a good mom letting Tyler bring all his rock family inside. And high five for the meal planning - I think it's the hardest job of running a family.