Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Well, Well

Today I went to the Doctor and everything is wonderful! March 2nd is the last time I go at the 4 week interval so you know it's getting closer! I asked about getting another ultrasound and it's a NO. Unless I need one medically-which isn't the case right now and I hope isn't the case throughout the remainder of my pregnancy. I asked how much it costs and he said $700-$800 so yeah I won't be doing that. He said there's a place in Boise I could go to but it's still $185 which is more than I want to spend-so we'll just hope for a girl but not get too caught up in it-and be happy with what comes out! I still have NO clue where the boys will go during the delivery and all that jazz!

I've been telling the boys since we have coughs and germs that friends can't come play at our house. The other day when a friend came over I told Brandon to tell him you're sick and can't play. Usually he complains and says he's not sick but the other day we opened the door and he said "I'm sick-I can't play" and then he started coughing, and Tyler started coughing--it was good..I mean they really do have colds--me too!

Today at the doctor's office there was another little boy there-about Brandon's age and as soon as we walked in the mother stood up and said maybe these boys will play with you-the boy kept asking my boys to play that he was building his cousins house and did they want to help. At first Brandon said I don't know how to build a house-since we usually build monsters, power rangers, transformers and animals I can understand. Then he said we're sick we can't play with you-and Tyler said yeah-and they both started coughing. It was just funny-

So today when I was talking to my Mom on the phone-the boys were playing upstairs, Tyler comes down and it looked like he had gross dried boogers all over his hands..so I clean them off..he goes back upstairs to play. Later he comes down and he's got dried poop all over his jammies. Yeah that wasn't dried boogers on his hands that was dried poop. He likes to put his hands in his diaper when he can't find any pockets-and it's a pretend pocket--yeah that's what happened today--GROSS!

Tyler just went over to shoot Brandon he points his fingers-that's his gun. Brandon doesn't want to play right now and just said T-Y-L-E-R and Tyler came running over crying with these HUGE alligator tears..aww poor boy!

These are all the small and interesting things that happen in my life!--DAILY!!


Bateman said...

You have two of the cutest boys I know! I was laughing at that story because it sounds like something Tanner would do. I have a feeling you are going to have a girl, but a third boy would be cool too. I have a cold too, what is up with that? LOVE YA

Anonymous said...

Wow, NOT dried boogies. The only thing I have to say regarding that experience is from one of my favorite movies, "Joe vs the Volcano", where Meg Ryan repeatedly says, "I have no response to that." :) The adventures that we have as mothers!

Karen Lambarth said...

Dried boogers, yikes!
I can't remember any of you guys reaching for the 'extra pocket'! Thank goodness.
But I didn't use disposable diapers for each of you all the time, so I guess I know some of that grossness!

Michelle said...

Funny stories!